Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is it all falling apart

I've tried to keep a very positive attitude about the whole getting fired thing, and I've had great people behind me, but now at every turn I feel frustrated and its taking its toll on so many things, my eating, by sleeping, my stress levels.  I had an interview with Cingular, that didn't go well, clearly.  I had an interview with Target and was offered a job almost immediately, which was great, except it was for $7.25 an hour.  Riiiiight.  I guess that should make me feel good that I was offered the job almost immediately, but I just am not looking at it that way right now.

And then theres the Doc issue.  I know he's busy.  He's been sweet about keeping in touch here and there since he left.  No better or no worse than he was before, which I guess is heartening.  Hypothetically that means things haven't gotten worse for him.  I know he's hella busy these days.  I just could use someone to lean on.  By god that bed is empty feeling lately...


Anonymous said...

First of all, leaving a job is VERY stressful-whether you leave on your
own, or you get fired; I myself have been fired in the past, and was
crushed! It definitley interfered with my eating AND sleeping, never mind knowing I had to go right back out there to find another! And it's always a difficult thing to have to settle for LESS on the next job-ugh.
The situation with Doc-well-don't know too much about your relationship to comment on-I'll have to read your archives to investigate! LOL I DO know when you/we have a special friend, that all of a sudden is no longer THERE, for you-it's upsetting! Try not to get too stressed out hon-I myself am VERY stressed at this moment,
over one of my best friends and confidents, cause they are not here
for me-when I need them the most. You have inspired me once again-and before I read another entry-I'm going to write about this problem
of mine-right now! Today! I will let you know when and if I complete well, try to get some sleep, and 'turn your mind off' iykwim?
Thanks for posting-I look forward in reading you. ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Things will get better, sometimes you gotta say FUCK IT and don't worry about anything else